[Professor Isabelle Doussan’s talk on pesticides and how the topic of chemical pollution has gathered global concern.]
殺蟲劑使用已經成為現代農業的必需品,然而卻伴隨著嚴重的化學污染問題。本次講座,法國Isabelle Doussan教授將來台探討此議題,並分享她關於殺蟲劑在法國以及歐盟的使用以及其法律限制的多年研究心得。
Pesticide use has become essential in modern agriculture, but it is accompanied by serious chemical pollution issues. In this seminar, Professor Isabelle Doussan from France will come to Taiwan to discuss this topic and share her years of research on the use of pesticides in France and the European Union, as well as the legal restrictions surrounding them.
In the second half of the seminar, there will be interviews with Attorney Bo-Chen Lin, a Legum Magister from Duke University School of Law, and Postdoctoral Scholar Mu-Xing Lin, a PhD from the Institute of National Development at National Taiwan University. These three experts will delve into the current status, problems, and solutions of chemical pollution in Europe and Taiwan.
Are you concerned about this pressing issue? This seminar is definitely not to be missed! Sign up now and join us to gain a better understanding of the impact of chemical pollution on our lives!
講者:Isabelle Doussan教授、林木興博士、林柏辰律師
With Prof. Isabelle Doussan, Dr. Mu-Xing Lin and Mr. Harvey Bo-Cheng LIN
The event is in Chinese.
【上曜集團蓋琉金 鄰宅地基均流盡】臺南市北華街上曜永捷創新傾斜屋自救會記者會